House Rules

By adhering to these house rules, we can create a welcoming, safe, and enjoyable environment for everyone at WCS Eindhoven.

We want this to be a place everyone can enjoy.

We are grateful for your help and commitment to making our shared environment safe and enjoyable for everyone.

  • Keep the dance studio and common areas clean and tidy.

    Dispose of trash and clean glassware if you use them.

    Help maintain cleanliness by keeping the toilets clean and tidy after use.

    Report any issues or concerns about the facilities to the staff.

  • Treat all instructors, staff, and fellow dancers with respect and kindness.

    Maintain a positive and inclusive atmosphere during classes and events.

    Refrain from disruptive behavior that may disturb others' dance experience.

    Be respectful of those around you and their boundaries.

  • Arrive on time for classes, workshops, and events to avoid disruption.

    If running late, please notify the teacher in advance of your ETA in order for them to know when to open the door for you.

    If running late, enter the studio quietly and join the activity without causing disturbance.

  • Follow instructions provided by instructors regarding warm-up, technique, and movement.

    Take care of your own physical well-being and avoid pushing yourself beyond your limits.

    Report any accidents, injuries, or concerns to the staff immediately.

  • By participating in a WCSE event, you consent to be in our social media images and/or videos that could be used in advertisement.

    Exceptions will be made upon request because we respect the privacy and comfort levels of others regarding photography and recording.

  • WCS Eindhoven is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.

    If you find any lost items, please let the community know on the WCS Eindhoven WhatsApp Group and leave the item where it was found unless otherwise specified in the chat.

  • Smoking is strictly prohibited within the premises.

  • Please watch out for each other and help us take care of you.

    If you or someone else is subjected to harassing behaviour or have other concerns, you can seek out our management team or the current instructor on shift. We promise to listen and to treat you with respect and confidentiality.

    If you see additional problems after you or someone else spoke with us initially, we’d like to hear about them too.

  • Anyone asked to stop unacceptable or harassing behaviour is expected to do so immediately. Actions that compromise the safety of individuals or the environment of this event are not acceptable from any member of our community.

    Depending on the severity of the action, event organizers’ interventions in response to a problem may range from talking to the offending person and asking them to do or not do something, to asking them to leave the venue immediately without warning, compensation or refund.

    WCS Eindhoven reserves the right to send a person out of the venue if they do not comply, or violate any of the rules listed here.